So you’ve decided to get a dental implant for your missing tooth. That’s fantastic! Missing teeth can cause a number of oral health problems, and unfortunately, many Americans aren’t even aware of this issue.
But if you understand the risks and are ready to make a change, we’re ready to answer all your questions about dental implants. And we’ll make sure you feel prepared when it’s time for your procedure.
At Ueno Center Dental Specialists, we want to ensure that our patients understand the services provided to them. That’s why Jeremy K. Ueno, DMD, and the rest of our staff are enthusiastic about patient education as well as providing the best care for your specific needs.
Dental implants are one of the many types of treatments for missing teeth. But we like to say it’s the gold standard when compared with others like dentures and fixed bridges. Why? Dental implants provide the best intersection between patient satisfaction and stability.
A dental implant is a permanent solution to your missing tooth problem, and it looks, feels, and works almost like a real tooth. Dental implants also have an impressive success rate of 97% retention after 10 years.
But when you think of a dental implant, you might be missing the nuances of what actually goes into the procedure. In fact, many people think of it simply as a replacement tooth. But it’s much more.
Dental implants aren’t just replacement teeth. They actually have three components: the implant post, the abutment, and the crown.
The implant post, sometimes referred to as the fixture, is the part of the dental implant designed to work like a tooth root. This artificial tooth root looks somewhat like a metal screw. Like the root of a tooth, it gets smaller toward the base. It’s made of titanium.
Different implant posts are used for different types of dental implants. For example, the fixture used to replace an incisor or a canine tooth is typically smaller than one used to replace a molar.
The implant post needs to fuse to the surrounding jawbone, a process called osseointegration. One of the things that makes a dental implant so special is that no other type of missing tooth treatment has a component that functions like a natural tooth root.
The abutment is the next element of the dental implant. It connects the implant post and the crown by screwing into the former and bonding to the latter. Like the implant post, different types of abutments are used for different types of teeth.
But the abutment is even more customizable than this. It can be a different shape, size, or even angle depending on how it will best sit in the mouth and work with the other teeth.
The crown is the part everyone thinks of when discussing a dental implant. It’s the prosthetic portion that looks and feels like a real tooth. But you don’t get the crown at the same time as the other two parts of the dental implant.
In some cases, we may be able to place a temporary crown with Teeth-in-a-Day if your current oral health is good enough. This ensures you don’t have to go without your tooth until we place the permanent tooth.
When you have healed from your previous treatment and the implant post has fused into place, you are able to receive your permanent crown, which will look and feel exactly like a real tooth.
Now that you know all the elements that go into a dental implant, you’re probably excited to get the process started. To schedule an appointment at our Campbell, California, office, call or request one online.