There are a number of operations you may require for a healthy mouth. From gum surgery to bone grafting to dental implants, we offer many procedures that are individualized to your needs. But what happens afterward? How do you know your post-op site is healthy and well?
Here at Ueno Center Dental Specialists, we are proud to offer telehealth appointments to our post-op patients. These appointments can be a great benefit to your long-term oral health and to making sure you’re healing properly after surgery.
Our founder, Jeremy K. Ueno, DMD, works with our other providers to offer the best, well-rounded treatment options before, during, and after surgery. As such, we believe telemedicine is a fantastic new option for this type of comprehensive care.
Your telehealth appointment is the same as a regular visit to your doctor, dentist, or other provider. That means you need to show up on time or even a little early. You should also come prepared with any questions or concerns you want to discuss.
Taking your appointment somewhere that has fast, reliable Wi-Fi is also a must. You don’t want your internet to shut off in the middle of your discussion with your provider. Also, it can help to have a small notebook with you so you can write down any advice we give you.
If you notice any issues with your healing, take pictures beforehand and send them to us. Ask someone to take them for you so you can get the most accurate view. Try to incorporate extra lighting to get a clear image. If you think it will be visible, you can also show us your post-op site live on your laptop or phone camera.
Telemedicine is a good option for post-op patients, which is why we offer it free of charge. Not everyone qualifies for this type of care, but if you do, here are some reasons to take advantage of it.
When you’ve had surgery, you don’t feel like doing much for several days after. A telehealth appointment can allow you to get expert advice without having to leave the comfort of your home.
Telehealth appointments can be a safe option for those who have concerns about their health and well-being, especially if they are vulnerable to illness. In fact, 43.3% of American adults aged 65 and older reported using telemedicine.
Additionally, in a study of Medicaid recipients in five states, telehealth appointments increased by 15 times the pre-pandemic rate from March 2020 to February 2021. If you are concerned about any vulnerabilities you or someone in your home might have, this is a perfect option.
Sometimes, patients feel they are too busy to come in for post-op appointments. But because this type of treatment weaves easily into your busy schedule, you’ll likely find you have more time for it, which means you’ll feel more supported in the long run.
In addition, many of our patients find it easier to have a friend or family member sit in with them during their appointments. This type of support can allow you to get questions you hadn’t even thought of answered.
And did we mention these appointments are free of charge? So if you’re worried about the cost of a post-op analysis, don’t be. We’re here and happy to help.
If you have gone through surgery with us (or are planning to), ask us about our telemedicine program and get the full support you want and need after your procedure is over. Just call our Campbell, California, office now.