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5 Indicators That Your Wisdom Teeth Should Be Removed

Jul 25, 2024

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You may know that not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, and often, the procedure is elective. But how do you know when a problem with these molars is serious enough to require removal?

Have you ever thought about your wisdom teeth? Maybe you’re only starting to notice them now because they’re breaking through or surfacing from beneath the gumline. In fact, the change may have you wondering if you need to have them removed.  


There are certain indicators for when your wisdom teeth should likely be removed, but these may be different than you think. We’re happy to help you learn more about the truth behind your wisdom teeth.  


At Ueno Center Dental Specialists, we offer wisdom teeth consultations and extractions here in our Campbell, California, office. Our founder, Jeremy K. Ueno, DMD, and our other team members can determine if it’s time to let your wisdom teeth go or if the issue isn’t as dire as it may seem.

When your wisdom teeth should be removed

Not everyone has their wisdom teeth. In fact, 20% of humans don’t have them at all. But simply having wisdom teeth isn’t an indication you need an extraction. Some people are able to live quite comfortably with them. 


That’s why it’s important to be able to recognize when they need to be extracted. Here are some indicators that it might be time to have them removed.

Impacted wisdom teeth

This is one of the main reasons wisdom teeth are removed. A tooth is impacted when it isn’t fully able to break through due to its angle, crowded teeth nearby, or some other reason. 

When the tooth breaks through somewhat but not totally, it can cause a number of other problems. This is why many impacted wisdom teeth are removed, sometimes even before problems start. 


Impacted wisdom teeth often create a great deal of pain and discomfort. They can hurt as they’re breaking through and cause discomfort for the other teeth around them. If you notice you’re feeling a lot of pain, it’s probably time to have your wisdom teeth removed. 


Another common side effect of impacted wisdom teeth is infection. This can be because the tooth is hard to clean properly, leading to a buildup of bacteria. It can also be because it’s crowding the other teeth around it, making it hard to clean them as well.   

Infection in the wisdom teeth can lead to abscesses, gum disease, tooth loss and decay, and other serious problems. If you notice swelling, redness, and pain around your wisdom tooth, it’s time to visit us at Ueno Center Dental Specialists. 

Bite and alignment problems

Wisdom teeth, and the angle at which they grow in, might affect the alignment of all your other teeth. This can change your bite and make it harder for you to eat. Misalignment can create other problems too, such as grinding, difficulties with speech, and even oral health issues. 


In some cases, wisdom teeth don’t break through; these are called unerupted wisdom teeth. But just because your wisdom teeth don’t erupt doesn’t necessarily mean they’re safe to keep. Even an unerupted wisdom tooth can cause problems. 

Cysts can form inside the gumline around an unerupted wisdom tooth. These are quite dangerous and can worsen with time. They need to be removed along with the tooth. 

If you notice small bumps on your gums where the wisdom tooth would be located — as well as a sensitivity to strong cold or hot temperatures — you might be dealing with a cyst. 

Wisdom teeth often need to be removed

Because wisdom teeth can cause so many problems, even if they only partially or never break through, you should schedule a consultation with one of our dental specialists. 

To learn more, call today to make an appointment at our Campbell, California, office. You may also visit us online to book an appointment at your convenience. We look forward to meeting you.